第 23 屆國際傑出顧客關係服務獎 (CREA) 現已接受報名和提名。作為最有效的 CRE領導力平台,加速 CRE 數字體驗經濟、重塑商業領袖和CEO的未來願景。作為最負盛名和國際公認的傑出顧客關係服務獎,CREA 匯集了強大的公眾認可、標誌性的品牌以及消費者、媒體、品牌追踪者和全球投資分析師的關注。
CRE領袖是遊戲規則的改變者! CRE目標是有效地吸引顧客參與和員工敬業,在各地區的國際城市倡導創新的最佳實踐,表彰政府機構、公司、業務部門、團隊和專業人士,他們為所服務的顧客和企業的成功做出了貢獻。
2024年國際傑出顧客關係服務獎頒獎午宴於11月12日在香港舉行。並請得國際爭議解決及風險管理協會主席 羅偉雄教授、香港人壽保險從業員協會副會長 黃坤成博士、香港品質管理協會主席 林建新博士、中國國際投資促進會互聯網客戶中心專業委員會秘書長 米輝波先生擔任榮譽頒獎嘉賓。
Register 3 or more delegates to take advantage of our Premier Plus savings of 10% per delegate.
登記"CRM proposition and benefits are the most valuable topics to me from the course. The instructor can effectively share the real and practical experience."
"This (CRMD) is a very structured and comprehensive class that allows experience and knowledge sharing. The facilitator is most effective in giving examples to illustrate ideas."
The most valuable topics to me were process improvement, problem solving and managing performance. The instructor is effective in sharing the real cases and real projects during the class.
I found the most valuable parts of the training were CSQS and case sharing. The instructor is knowledgeable and familiar with all the topics. He is active listening and can answer all the enquiries effectively. I hope the training will continue to keep small group, which is better than large group studying.
Process Management and CSQS are the most valuable topics to me from the course. Real business samples demonstrate the effectiveness of CSQS introduction .
What were the most valuable topics? To me, the answers were managing people and customer service centre analysis. The instructor was very effective in explaining by using real case and experience more adaptable and implementable for the organization and team. This course helps me to understand broadly the customer service and quality standard and enables me to apply to my team.
In this event, Process improvement & solution and Root cause analysis were the most valuable part. Live case sharing is the most effective about the instructor. By providing real cases and examples, it enables me to gain better understanding.
It is good & excellent to implement for our work. I can discover that our company has not so much gap with the CS standard at all. The content was so comprehensive and applicable to my work. Process Improvement, Problem Solving and Quality Assurance are the most valuable topics to me. The instructor can explain in real example and story for sharing.
The most valuable topics to me were Performance Management and Management Responsibility. I am glad to learn the evolved & updated CSQS Standard.
Managing People & CSQS was the most valuable topic to me. It was great for the example sharing with asking questions, like using a Lanecome Case as example.
Customer Relationship Management and Root Cause Analysis were the most valuable topics to me. It was very useful and professional knowledge. Thank you.
The most valuable topics were Operations Management, Coaching and CRM. The instructor could have the explanation with good examples.
Topic is interesting and relevant to my job, good trainer with good interaction to students. CSQS Standard and CRM are the most valuable to me.
Process Improvement, Problem Solving and How to motivate the team was the most valuable topic to me. The instructor has much knowledge of the industry. It was very relevant to the field I am in. It was useful for set standard.
The most valuable topic to me was CSQS. The instructor can effectively understand questions and give answers.
The most valuable topic to me was managing people. It's a great experience during the course.
The standard of CSQS was the most valuable topic to me. The instructor is active and interesting. It's very useful to know more about an international standard of customer service. It was a very pleasant and valuable experience for me attending the CCSM Class. It has inspired me a lot and I will definitely apply to my team management. Thank you for your inspiring and coaching!
The topics CSQS & workflow improvement are most valuable to me. The instructor is knowledgeable, time effective and able to provide many examples & case studies of other companies. The course gives me more insights of customer service management.
- 將創新意念融入「與社會共同進步」的目標,為我們尊貴的業戶提供專業及優質的物業管理服務,匯聚各項增值服務從而提昇業戶的生活及環境質素。
- 透過引入手機應用程式,業戶可流覽屋苑鄰近的娛樂資訊及隨時隨地獲取屋苑的最新通告及資訊,大大加強業戶的參與。
- 積極參與社區義務工作,回饋社會從而提昇企業品牌,亦獲得社會福利署所頒發之2017年度最高服務時數冠軍(私人機構組別一)及2017年度最高服務時數亞軍 (愛心屋苑)。
- 搜集最新的科技以應用於更新大廈設施,從而達至更佳的節約能源及支出的效果。
- 為員工提出全面的內部培訓課程,內容涵蓋政府條例修訂、法律講座、樹木護理、書寫中文信件技巧、處理大維修的程序及斜坡安全及保養資訊。
- 培訓延伸至實地考察供員工親身體驗。
優質顧客服務標準是由亞太顧客協會和香港大學一班研究員合作而制定,目的是評定 聯絡中心/呼叫中心的整體服務質素,最佳守則和顧客服務運作的表現。這是一個最廣泛的標準去創建世界級顧客服務水準架構,藉以授予優秀客戶服務機構。
中國,香港–2018年6月15日- 亞太顧客服務協會APCSC在卓越顧客關係服務(CRE)與優質顧客服務國際標準(CSQS)國際領袖高峰會中頒發優質顧客服務標準(CSQS)證書予恒基兆業地產集團物業管理部—偉邦物業管理及恒益物業管理、恒隆地產,以認可他們的卓越成就,於2017年符合了優質顧客服務標準。房地產和物業管理行業的顧客將會體驗到更優質及專業的顧客服務標準。
Speaker & Panelists: 其他演講及討論嘉賓稍後公布
費用: 僅限邀請
時間: 12:00 - 14:30
地點: 香港九龍東皇冠假日酒店
優質客服專員中心証書是為了表彰機構,其90%以上的客服或熱線中心人員都通過了亞太顧客服務協會國際認証課程培訓,包括 聯絡中心經理証書(CCCM),聯絡中心主管証書(CCCS),聯絡中心專員証書(CCCP)及其他相關課程。
中國 - 香港,2018年6月15日 –服務業領袖榮獲亞太顧客服務協會頒發的「優質客服專員中心證書」,藉此表揚他們的員工發展計劃和堅持提供世界級服務於香港及亞太區內顧客服務貢獻。