Upcoming Roundtable

HKCSC & APCSC & HKSAR 27th Anniversary
22nd International CRE Award Ceremony

Theme: HKCSC & APCSC & HKSAR 27th Anniversary
22nd International CRE Award Ceremony
Date: 12 November 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 12:00 - 14:30
Venue: Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East, Hong Kong
Fee: By Invitation Only

Speakers & Panelists

Other Speakers and Panelists will be confirmed soon
Jason Chu
Chairman, APCSC, CRE Awards Panel of Judge
Professor Francis Law
Chairman International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute
Mr. Mike Mi
China Council for International Investment Promotion 
Dr. Frankie Lam
Hong Kong Quality Management Association
Dr. Bowen Wong
Vice President
The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong

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