HKCSC & APCSC & HKSAR 27th Anniversary 22nd International CRE Award Ceremony
HKCSC & APCSC & HKSAR 27th Anniversary 22nd International CRE Award Ceremony
12 November 2024 (Tuesday)
12:00 - 14:30
Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East, Hong Kong
By Invitation Only
Speakers & Panelists
Other Speakers and Panelists will be confirmed soon
Jason Chu Chairman, APCSC, CRE Awards Panel of Judge
Speaker Profile - Jason Chu
Jason Chu
Chairman, APCSC, CRE Awards Panel of Judge
Mr. Jason Chu is the Founding Chairman of the Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium and Hong Kong Customer Service Consortium. He collaborates with industry experts and major university researchers to consult and research on key aspects of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. Jointly with researchers in The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the members of APCSC. Chu has led the consortium in developing the International Customer Service Quality Standard (CSQS) standard with The University of Hong Kong (HKU) researchers in settingtheinternationalCustomer Service Quality Standards and world class benchmark for market leaders. The Standard has been reviewed and updated on annual basis to upgrade a new release.
Chu has collaborated with the The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to develop the HK CRE Index Research Consortium (HKCRE Index) to develop the first Hong Kong CRE Index on 18 service industries performance. The project was supported by the Innovation Technology Fund (ITF)to develop a big data platform to assess customers’ satisfaction, relationship, experience, and loyalty, etc. to enhance economic development of Hong Kong.
Mr. Chu is the Industry Visionary to build a Global Certification with international bodies in the USA, Australia, China and other countries for the Customer Service and Support Industry to develop professional qualification and career development for the customer service industry, i.e., the Certificate in Customer Service Management (CCSM), Certified Contact Center Manager (CCCM), Certified Analyst & Auditor (CCSA), Certificate in Service Excellence Leadership (CSEL) and Certificate in Professional Customer Service (CPCS) etc.
Chu is the pioneer of innovative customer service research including eSurvey on Internet Banking, Securities and Travel Services, as well as the Best-in-Class (BIC) CRM Contact Center Benchmarking in Asia Pacific, Customer Satisfaction and Aspiration Survey and other international standards in Asia, Australia and the United States. Chu is also the Chairman of theInternational Customer Relationship Excellence Awards (CREA) leadpanel of judges, and the International CRE Innovation Leadership Awards.
Mr. Chu received his BS and MS degrees in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a speaker of high demand at int’l conferences, expo, CXO Forums, and executive workshops on developing customer centric organizations and building Customer Relationship Excellence and customer loyalty ecosystem.
Professor Francis Law Chairman
International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute
Speaker Profile - Professor Francis Law
Professor Francis Law
International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute
Mr. Mike Mi Director China Council for International Investment Promotion
Speaker Profile - Mr. Mike Mi
Mr. Mike Mi
Director China Council for International Investment Promotion
As one of the founders, Mike formed China Call Center & CRM Association, he is also the founder of Asia Pacific Contact Center Leadership (APCCAL).
Worked at multi-national companies, Mike has solid management experience, of which over 20 years experience in Telecommunications and call center & BPO industry, Mike has rich experience in service management. First promote CRM Call Center concept in China. Actively promoting call center & services enhancement in the region and beyond.
Mike is Vice President of China Open Education, and teaching leadership courses in BeiHang& Renmin University.
Mike is a respected speaker for regional conferences in different countries and regions. Being award judge for China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Dubai.
Dr. Frankie Lam Chairman Hong Kong Quality Management Association
Speaker Profile - Dr. Frankie Lam
Dr. Frankie Lam
Chairman Hong Kong Quality Management Association
Dr. Bowen Wong Vice President The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong
Speaker Profile - Dr. Bowen Wong
Dr. Bowen Wong
Vice President The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong